Why Mental Health is A Political Issue
The ignorance that lies at the core of Tory welfare policy reform is not an ignorance of unawareness, or an absence of knowledge, but rather one of calculated disinformation. Probably the most disgusting thing about this coalition is the deliberate spreading of lies to facilitate a systematic assault upon the sick, the poor and the disabled.
It's all ideologically driven. They have lied to and misled the public in order to promote a squalid agenda, an agenda to dismantle the welfare state.
The fact that 32 disabled a week are committing suicide as a direct result of this governments policies is immaterial, they don't give shit.
They are indifferent to suffering, indifferent to the facts.
The nasty party writ large.
Anyone who has suffered from clinical depression knows that it can simply happen, with no exacerbating factors present at all; but also knows that if one is depressed to begin with, the impact of external events - unless one's catatonic - can make the condition worse and even push one to suicide. I don't know anything about the Labour official whom you quote, but if he believes otherwise he is a dangerous fool.
It doesn't surprise me that the number of older men killing themselves is increasing - if, for example, you lose your job at even 40-plus, your chances of finding another are slim; if 50-plus verging on impossible; at 60, non-existent. If men of this age are pressured to find work which isn't there for them, if men approaching the (present!) age of retirement are harried to get off Incapacity Benefit and into work via a "supported" group, a contradiction is established - you seek work, are told to seek work, but there is none - to which there can seem only one solution. Add to this the daily pressure of debt collectors' calls, which many of us nowadays face - people can take so much, but, particularly if their mental health is already disturbed, no more.
Grayling et al have pretended that the link doesn't exist between poverty or the fear of impoverishment and mental ill-health - as every tiny bit of evidence available points to the opposite conclusion, it's impossible to believe these characters don't know the truth.
This is an absolutely excellent article. And it's not only mental health, more and more illnesses are being caught under the psychs web - ME/CFS probably the most famous but also Asthma, diabetes, athritis, chronic pain conditions, instertital cystitis. Get one of these and you're increasingly likely to be offered CBT and told that it's all about how you manage your illness.
Now personally, I don't have an issue with CBT as I've found it a useful help for me personally but I doubt it works for everyone and there is a wider issue of the de-medicalisation of illness. The use of psycho-social models and what they mean for the sick person and for the wider welfare state.
Even within cancer treatment etc you get the underlying message more and more that those who don't recover didn't have the right mental attitude!
As for not linking economic policy to depression that is just absolutely staggering. Of course losing your jpb, fearing losing your home, losing that four hundred quid a week ESA money etc - all these things are going to cause a person great anxiety and in the end our body responds to all that increased adrenalin and cortisol etc, by either pushing the anxiety ever upwards until we enter breakdown territory, or it cuts it off and plunges us into depression.
I doubt very few people would react to outright economic hardship with a chipper smile on their face. The fact that those in power think they can or indeed should only goes to show how very out of touch the bastards are.
I think, really, two competing ideas about mental health inform this mindset. The first is the 'suck it up' or 'deal with it' mentality, the one that says 'well, plenty of people are unemployed/on welfare/getting their benefits cut, and they aren't killing themselves, so it's obviously not the fault of the policy and the person is just weak/prone to depression.' Said approach entirely fails to understand mental illness, and is frankly barbaric in its callousness, but it doesn't stop it from being the go-to position of pretty much everybody who's never encountered depression, lived with it, or done any reading on the subject.
The second, as the article says, is the hyper-medicalised mentality, which says that depression is entirely insulated from external factors and is just a lottery - you either are or you aren't, and your personal circumstances aren't going to affect that so there's no reason to tinker with policy. Again, it's a myopic viewpoint, because while depression certainly can and does strike anybody, regardless of their circumstances or background, it's a damn sight better to be a wealthy person with depression than a poor person with depression (private treatment, economic flexibility allowing for more time off work to recover, etc) and living a generally miserable life is a very good way to trigger an underlying tendency in somebody who is prone to depression.
One is somewhat shouting into an echo chamber, however, if one thinks that drawing attention even to suicides and death would be enough to deter the current incumbents of DWP from their welfare reforms. If they're not going to be deterred by statistics and evidence showing that the policies don't work by any measure you care to name, a few proles topping themselves is hardly likely to move them.
Wasn't the mental health of the nation affected by the Thatcher regime
during the 1980's, when it climed from one million to three million?
during the 1980's, when it climed from one million to three million?
The politics of mental health is rooted in the rightwing politics of cuts and despair.
Labels: clinical depression, depoliticisation of depression, mark fisher, mark fisher depression, responses, suicide, why mental health is a political issue
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