Morning, here's a track from the Tetine Vs Sophie Calle's album "Samba de Monalisa", released in 2002, our second record produced in London. It will complete 20 years now in January 2022. I've been listening to it again, rediscovering it ... and relearning how to play some of its songs. This is "Amada Amante" - one of the closing tracks and one my favourite, (trk.11). Looking back, it is quite a nice record, and one of the reasons that we ended up staying in this country - we performed it many times in the UK and around Europe, and later in 2009 at Sophie Calle's exhibition 'Take Care of Yourself' in São Paulo at Sesc Pompéia. It was also once "electronica album of the month" at the deceased and saudosa Tower Records of Picaddily Circus - which, for us, was a big treat, and surprise at the time... you can imagine how it felt (if you know what I mean, and all the dillemas/questions related to shelving CDs in the 'right shelves') when me and Eli entered the shop and saw our CD spread around the electronica section, and also available in one of those listening posts that they used to have. Dream! Below is some of the praise it got at the time. Dig it ...also in all platforms through Slum Dunk Music.
"L’apport musical du duo Tetine donne aux quelques extraits narratifs ou de dialogues une force et une sentimentalié étonnantes. D’une très belle justesse. D’une just finnesse. L’albu prend vraiment une dimension de document sonore où les instantes clés du film son’t saisis, montrés puis étendus en des plages musicales que décortiquent la scène et la font apparaître a nu…’. Clarknova Magazine, France, June 2002
"El cine negro se refleja en los ambientes oscuros de 'Welcome To Las Vegas' y el romántico conecta con 'Music For Mechanics' debido sus violines y conversaciones. 'Sandalia Quebrada' vuelve a esa mezcla electrosamba y ambientes sintéticos aderezados por voces, esta vez sin un diálogo explícito. Más preciosista e actual es 'Hotel Madrid', tema que conecta con artificieros de la electronica como Múm'... Estamos pues ante un disco para los amantes de la música electrónica con aporte cinematográfico e experimental (aunque sin ecxesivos riesgo). Lo cual no es poco." Satelite Pop, Madrid, July, 2002
"Tetine, Brazilian artists Bruno Verner and Eliete Mejorado have created a dispassionate American travelogue of great tenderness and reserve. As male and female voices offer intimate insights into the directionless, inertial flow of their relationship, a sharply defined soundtrack follows them on a road trip from New York to Vegas…The televangelist rant, cool French tone and Hip Hop lope of the opening suggest an emotionally detached take on Jean Luc Godard’s classic debut Au Bout De Souffle but the mute longing of ‘Amada Amante’ and ‘I Met Him in The Bar’ go way beyond even that’. Ken Hollings, The Wire. June 2002
"Le travail de Tetine et Sophie Calle est à rapprocher de celui de Genesis P.Orridge dans so projet Splinter Test (Welcome to Las Vegas oú l’on perçoit la voix surnaturelle de Roy Orbison) ou bien encore des constructions méditatives de Stephen Jones (Hotel Madrid). Sur le plan de la narration, le glissement du privé au public, de l’intime à l’ouvre, cher à Sophie Calle, démontre avec brio qu’il existe des alternatives dignes aux cogitations loft-storyennes: le journal intime électronique…. La musique atosphérique et lointaine de Tetine apport un nouvel eclairage, inedit et enchanteur, aux autofictions de Sophie Calle'.4/5 Lionel Delamonte, Chronic’art, France, June 2002
"Um pouco como a própria Sophie Calle, o Tetine quer refletir sobre dois eixos. As conexões possíveis entre a 'alta cultura' e os mass media e entre o público e o privado (..) Samba de Monalisa recupera de certa forma o viés experimentalista e falado de Alexander's Grave, o álbum de estreia de 1996. Nesse, o 'gatilho' não era o cinema mas o teatro e literatura com fragmentos de textos de Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Strindberg Musset e outros". Alex Antunes, Revista Bravo, Brazil, Set, 2002
‘Fave tracks are 'No Sex Last Nigh' and 'Amada Amante'. Even though it is really quite complex and multilayered, repeated listening is rather rewarding. It is actually quite an accessible album, given the right exposure it could be a cult crossover, attains cult status and so much publicity that it crosses over into mainstream popularity’. Clive Craske, Jazzical Gaz, April 2002
‘…atmospheric mysterious film dialogue drifting darkly across some strangely scratched electronic riffs. Why you ask? Because the São Paulo based duo Tetine have a thing about the cult French artist called Sophie Calle'. Robert Sandall, Mixing it, BBC Radio 3, April 2002"
Recommended tune: 'No Sex Last Night' - Tetine vs Sophie Calle. BBC Radio 1, June 2002
Recommended electronica album of the month. Tower Records, May 2002.
'Impresario of indulgence Ian White and Brazilian performance duo Tetine deliver a seriously whacked out evening of mixed media mayhem that covers all the bases and barely stops for breath. Tetine themselves are launching their new dirty beats/ found voices cd made in collaboration with following artist Sophie Calle; there's image work from them, videos by Queen of Endurance Art Marina Abramovic and the marvelous Chicks on Speed; and more much more is promissed. From hybrid to hola!, high culture to 'Here She is Again', why not shake your booty at WAG this Friday?' GE, Time Out London, June 2002
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